How can good design change your future?

Scroll down to read, learn, and explore the big questions of design. What exactly is design? How has it impacted your life? What can good design improve and what can bad design deteriorate? Join us, as we explore the power of design.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

The Design of Time

Every year, when daylight saving time comes to an end, it makes me wonder about the concept of time. In a brief moment, we time travel. Twice a year, we experience this weird glitch, and to me, it acts as a constant reminder of how time, at least our numerical measurement of it, is perhaps one of the best designs humans have ever devised.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Never Choose Ugly

I would urge you to consider the fact that if you are going to save money, save elsewhere because saving money on how you look, how your customers feel, and how your brand is interpreted is a sure race to the bottom.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Fu*k Your Ideas

It is likely that you are sabotaging your own successful thoughts or a quick guide on bringing ideas to life.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Building a Brand in 2023 and Beyond

Brands now operate in an entirely different manner. The operational environment within which a company functions has become far more complex involving a multitude of interactions among professionals hailing from diverse fields and specialized areas.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

How To Design a Company Culture

At its core, company culture is the beating heart of any organization. It defines the way we work, communicate, collaborate and has a profound impact on our overall productivity, job satisfaction, and ultimately, our success.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Designing a Happy Life: Tips and Strategies

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel lost and unfulfilled. However, designing a happier and more fulfilling life is possible with the right mindset, tools, and strategies. I would like to share some of the actionable tips and strategies that have helped me and may be able to help you create a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and meaning.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

How to Improve Your Team's Creativity

Enhancing your team's creativity is vital to the success of your business. By creating a positive work environment, providing opportunities for learning, encouraging diversity of thought, providing flexibility, and fostering creativity through challenges, you can inspire your team to generate innovative ideas and solutions.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Design for social impact

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, social and environmental issues are becoming more pressing by the day. Climate change, poverty, inequality, and access to healthcare, education, and basic necessities are just a few of the many challenges that need to be addressed.

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