Why Thinking Big is Really Helpful

Being a part of the startup and design culture, you often come across the term "Think Big." However, like many overused buzzwords, it tends to lose its significance over time. Surprisingly, this notion has resonated with me and frequently occupies my thoughts, prompting me to ponder its profound depths. What truly lies beneath the surface of thinking big? How can I cultivate this mindset? Am I thinking small? Do we all possess a shared understanding of what it means to think big? What if my current thinking falls short of the grand scale required? How big is big? How small is small really? You know the usual delusional train of thoughts that appear in your head like a clown circus when you are trying to fall asleep.

The funny thing is, this persistent thought in my mind has spurred me to take action to varying degrees throughout my life. Although I am unsure if I am truly thinking big or merely thinking bigger, acting upon this notion has yielded intriguing outcomes. Allow me to share a few personal anecdotes illustrating moments when I was acutely aware of this concept and acted upon it.

Pinpointing the exact instance when I first encountered this term escapes me. However, the most vivid demonstration of its truest manifestation occurred when I delved into the history of SpaceX and Elon Musk's relentless pursuit of transforming humanity into an interplanetary species. That was my "Aha" moment. Here was an individual who initially possessed no knowledge of space or rockets, yet emerged as a trailblazer in the field. He was quite literally setting his sights on the moon, metaphorically speaking.

The first time thinking big came into play in my life was around 2006. I just left college and as most folks at that point in their life I did not know how to start adulting. The idea of applying for design jobs terrified me. It seemed like an overwhelming task. I knew I wanted to work in design space, that was 100% certain but what I wanted to do I didn’t know. In a weird twist of fate I came across the book Karlssonwilker inc.'s Tellmewhy: The First 24 Months of a New York Design Company by Clare Jacobson. It documented a journey of 2 designers taking a leap of faith and opening their own design firm. No lie, the book changed me. I knew than and there that I wanted to own a design studio, this was my goal. But then, the think big thought tapped me on the shoulder and whispered….why wait? Why not now? Do I dare? I mean I had 0 experience in business, I had limited experience in design, that all came from some freelance gigs I did.

Fuck it! Think big right? So I took it to the internet to do my research and see how to do it….I am talking about, pre google, pre myspace, facebook, where meeting people offline was a bonkers idea. But I found a business partner…a fellow designer enthusiast and we started a web design agency named Insomnia Studio. We even managed to pull off a sublet office space in the heart of Manhattan. So just like that a small instance of thinking bigger has shortcuts my journey into business ownership….Was it big enough of a thought? I don’t know….but at that time and place with a fairly empty resume yes, yes it was!

In my extensive research endeavoring to trace the origins of the term (and by extensive research, I mean the 0.44 seconds it took Google to yield the results of my query), I discovered that The National Cabinet Minister Allan Highet coined the label "Think Big" during a speech at a National Party conference in 1977. Economist Brian Easton also employed the term "think big" to describe economic strategies. However, what does "think big" truly mean? 'Thinking big' encompasses the ability to envision and dream about achieving monumental feats, devoid of any self-imposed limitations on one's thoughts. It necessitates cultivating an open-minded and optimistic mindset, nurturing creativity, and discerning opportunities within a broader context.

The second time I have found myself encountering the think big effect was around 2019…This is the time where I am the founder of my current creative agency. I find myself completely unmotivated by endless meetings and small talks…Everything felt predictable, mundane and boring. “Hi, welcome, we do XYZ, this is the tech we use, this is our process, blah, blah, blah” I knew I did not want to be boring, be bored, or deal with boring clients. So I shifted how I speak about things. I became aware of my demeanor, vocabulary and more important, my vision. I did not want to be yet another mediocre agency that focuses and speaks about how amazing we are at tech and how well versed we are in latest web language etc…I want to talk about the big vision, the implications of our work, the responsibility we bare to ourselves and others in everything we do. To me thinking big became more of a daily mantra. Instead of asking clients what do the need, I started asking why do they need it? What do they want to do with it? What impact will it have?

Instead of building a flashy website or a brand I wanted to build an impactful spaces and communities. Ironically enough, the bigger and more profound the conversation have gotten the fatter the paychecks followed. People resonated with these big ideas.

It encouraged them. Why build an app when you can build and influence a space…Why build one when you can build a process that allows you to build many of anything….

Thinking big must start with thinking positive. Negative or fearful thoughts confine our thinking to small boundaries. Instead, cultivate a positive mindset. Erase the word 'impossible' from your vocabulary. Successful big thinkers focus on why they 'can' accomplish something, while others dwell on why they 'can't'. Whichever path you choose, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Big thinkers perceive problems as challenges and every challenge as an opportunity. Their expansive thinking opens up a realm of limitless possibilities, alternatives, and solutions. Direct your attention towards bravery, boldness, and optimism. Embrace the excitement and the thrill of the challenge. Seize it with all your might!

Currently my next big thing is to figure out how we can stop doing client work and become an internal hub where we design big communities, cities, countries. A design space where we explore new ways of communicating? A way of speaking that allows for transparency and comfort of being vulnerable, yet understood. Being heard instead of listened to.  I do believe we are highly underutilizing the power of design and it is my job to make this thinking accessible at all levels.
I also believe you can do literally anything and be successful. Who told you that a design agency must work with clients only? Who told you that there is a specific formula that you must obey? Who told you that you must do things you don’t like?

In order for me to achieve all these things I must practice big thinking daily. Set no boundaries for my goals. Strive for greater heights and excellence, fueled by my own unwavering passion, determination, and vigor to transform your dreams into tangible realities. This shit takes some effort and self awareness but the best thing is it teaches you to ask yourself the big questions:

If I could alter one aspect of the world, what would it be?

With an unlimited abundance of resources, how would I utilize them?

Given all the time in existence, how would I spend it?

Who in the world would greatly benefit from my impact?

What legacy do I want to leave behind and let others inherit?

If you are going to doubt anything, doubt your limits. Every invention originates from bold ideas, and those who think big possess the capacity to change the world. They embody leadership, innovation, and accomplishment because they break free from limitations and narrow thinking. Embracing expansive thinking broadens your horizons, propelling you beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary.

Put this mindset into practice and take decisive action. Refuse to set limits on your goals. Strive for magnificence and continuous improvement, fueled by unwavering passion, determination, and vitality, transforming your dreams into tangible realities. Expand the boundaries of your mind, transcend conventional thinking, and broaden your horizons. Embrace the grandness of it all! Make your dreams a living, breathing actuality.


Now is All You Have


The “I” in Idea is You.