How can good design change your future?
Scroll down to read, learn, and explore the big questions of design. What exactly is design? How has it impacted your life? What can good design improve and what can bad design deteriorate? Join us, as we explore the power of design.
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The Power of Community
Communities are your superpowers. When you have a strong and tightly knit circle, you won't need to spread yourself thin trying to win over everyone in the world. You just need to conquer the hearts of a few.
The Last Conference You’ve Attended, Could Have Been an Email.
Conferences, by default, are an extension of brands. Every participant, speaker, and investor must make a collective effort to produce events that tantalize the senses of the attendees. Make it feel like Live Aid. Embrace the spirit of Freddie Mercury - true showmanship. Make it so exciting that when people leave the event, they have nothing to say but this: "Man! You HAD to be there!"
Anything less than that kind of response is a failure and should have been an email.
The Difference Between Business and Brand
Your business enables you to fulfill the needs within the community your brand creates, while your brand allows you to connect with more people whose needs your business can solve. By growing both simultaneously, you can achieve your business objectives. While these concepts can function independently, the most successful companies have a dedicated following and recognition around their brand.
How To Design a Company Culture
At its core, company culture is the beating heart of any organization. It defines the way we work, communicate, collaborate and has a profound impact on our overall productivity, job satisfaction, and ultimately, our success.
7 Ways to Create a Social Impact With Your Business
Creating social impact in your business can be a win-win situation for both your business and society. By incorporating a social mission into your business strategy, implementing sustainable practices, partnering with socially responsible organizations, supporting social causes, fostering diversity and inclusion, engaging in socially responsible marketing, and measuring and communicating your social impact, you can create a more significant impact on society while also improving your brand reputation.
“It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other” - Tupac Shakur
Designing a better lifestyle for these communities necessitates a multi-faceted approach that addresses the many challenges they face. But just because it's difficult, should we not even attempt to make a difference?