How can good design change your future?

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Never Choose Ugly

I would urge you to consider the fact that if you are going to save money, save elsewhere because saving money on how you look, how your customers feel, and how your brand is interpreted is a sure race to the bottom.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

Building a Brand in 2023 and Beyond

Brands now operate in an entirely different manner. The operational environment within which a company functions has become far more complex involving a multitude of interactions among professionals hailing from diverse fields and specialized areas.

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Stanley Vaganov Stanley Vaganov

The Difference Between Business and Brand

Your business enables you to fulfill the needs within the community your brand creates, while your brand allows you to connect with more people whose needs your business can solve. By growing both simultaneously, you can achieve your business objectives. While these concepts can function independently, the most successful companies have a dedicated following and recognition around their brand.

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